User Research and UX Strategy in France
Usability Tests
Understand how your customers use your products step by step, test prototypes and optimize.
Does your product or service meet your customers needs?
Along the most important customers' journey that you identified, what are the obstacles? When are the pleasant moments?
Are there specific considerations for the French market? (or other local market)
Make informed design decisions, optimize and iterate

Lab usability testing
Individual, moderated sessions to understand the complete customer journey on your product or prototype.
Your teams can attend the test sessions in person, with a one-way mirror. We typically debrief between sessions, or I organise analysis workshops with your teams.

Testing in context or remotely
All types of interface or interactive services can be tested: Paper prototype (at an early stage of the design process), clickable mock-ups, online services (on desktop, tablet, mobile), hardware products and services.
Picture on the left: Testing of an app prototype with truck drivers in a gas station, with their own devices.

Study design
Definition of tasks, KPIs, testing script.Recruitment of participants and logistics (i.e. options like interpreters, facility or portable lab.
Fieldwork: Moderation, videos recordings, remote viewing or observation room in a facility.
Analysis: Obstacles and positive aspects of the user journeys, differences according to target groups, selection of meaningful pictures and quotes.
Workshops (e.g. Agree on the main points to improve, brainstorm solutions)
Light or full Powerpoint report in French or English (optional),
Video clips that you can share within your company,
Posters with user journeys showing obstacles and positive aspects.
Recommendations for improvement